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1-1=Watched rose bowl parade.

1-9=to Vets hosp. [In Iowa City to volunteer on most Wednesdays] [Continuing with Navy Mothers club of Am. Meetings and gazette reporting]

1-19=TV fixed $28.84

2-22=Dad & I to [Olivet] church supper & slides.    32 degrees! Cold!

3-26=To Dr. Bomkamp.         Got med. $2.71. Hi temp. = 46.

4-6=Larry’s Confirmation, then dinner

4-21=Jon gets Eagle scout award..     [Separately] DeAne preaches sermon.

5-2=Me to Dr.             Got med.

5-7=To x-ray office.

5-10=At Dr. Bomkamp for 28 x-rays.

5-15=Dr. Miff[?]. Also 7-3.Also 7-8. Also 10-8 [who & why?][Maybe hearing, note 10-21 & 31]

5-24=Phillip Graduation. Reception at Joanne’s house in Maynard, Ia.

5-25=David Graduates at Ames {ISU}.

5-28=Sally and Doug. Receptions at Pat/Don’s and at Earl/Barb’s.

6-16=Dad gets chair for Fathers Day.

7-13=Bart/Lu visited.

7-18=Bryan David Anderson born.    19th Took Bryan to St. Lukes.             20th Bryan better.

8-4=Bryan to be Christened.             To Amana (dinner)

8-10=Nash Finch picnic.

8-11=Dad to races

8-16=Dad’s 74th birthday.

9-6=Paul and Dad leave [by car to Calif.]

9-7=Leave for Calif. [Dorothea & Lu by plane.] Return home by plane 9-26 9:40

9-30=2nd half taxes [Real Estate] $178.34.

10-12=To supper at Don/Pats - Bruce’s birthday.

10-19=Earl fixed dryer                       Phillip turn over [car?] in Center Point.

10-20=Earl and Don put up storm windows.

10-21=Hearing test for me.

10-24=News of Phillip’s accident.[on 10-19]

10-31=Got hearing aid. Hallelujah!  

11-6=Our 48th Anniv.

12-22=Christmas dinner at our house.

12-24=To see lights at Cedar Memorial with Geo/Mae.

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