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1-1=Watched Rose bowl parade.       Crossword puzzle w/ Mrs. Hanson

1-3= Dad to Nash Finch         1-10=Dad back to work at Nash Finch ‘cash and carry’.

1-4=Sent weekly report to Gazette about Navy Mothers.     TV to repair shop.

1-5=Went to church circle

1-8=Paul helped Dad fix leaky pipe.

1-14=Car repairs. Starter $19.70.       New battery $25.70

2-4=To Barb/Earl’s for Sandra’s birthday.

3-2=Danish Ladies Aide Soc. At Elsies [lamont]

4-21=Dave/Susan wedding

4-23=Bruce to hosp.

4-25=Dad got car.       Dad to Dr. w/ sinus trouble    .

5-11= l. [lump] under my arm tonight.

5-30=I had a dream.

6-6=Al Truman dies

6-7=To funeral in Des Moines. Car broke down and towed to Newton for repair. Visit Dave/Sue at Ames on way home to C.R.

6-27=Lu to hosp.

6-29=Earl/Barb to Okla. Til 7-12.      Karla hurt hand [at Goodell’s ?] = 5 stitches.

8-4=Botz/Lu visited here. They went to Des Moines, then stopped again on way to Ill.

8-10=Bad spell during nite. . Ruff.

8-21=Paul fixed car water pump.

8-27=Out to supper w/ Geo /Mae, then shopping. Played lawn darts for hour or so.

9-14=Paul helped Dad fix hose on washer. Checked w/ Dr. Bomkamp on med. for Dad.

9-15=Wilbur/Sharon leave for Ken. Tenn. and Va.

9-22=Paul/Lu to Wisc. [ 3 days] 

9-24=5 K’s here. [Kathy, Ken, Ken JR, Karla, Kelly]

9-28=Pat to x-ray kidneys. Theo. Neilsen dies.

10-22=To lecture and photos at Jefferson H.S.

10-25=Got recliner chair from Mary Ann Scheaffer                          10-27 My 65th birthday.

10-29=”Calif or bust” card from Paul/Lu.      Storm windows up, Pat/Don.

11-6=46th anniversary. With Geo/Mae for pizza then to their house.

11-13=3" of blowing snow. Sharon had to stay all night.

11-20=Joanne’s shower

11-23=Thanksgiving at Don/Pat’s

12-1=Joanne’s wedding at Westgate, IA

12-6=Apollo 17 up.

12-18=Cleaned, put up C. Tree, washed, defrost. Frig.         Sent jury letter back to sheriff.

12-24=Children here. 33 of us here. [for Christmas]

12-25=To Don/Pat’s

12-26=President Truman died.

12-29=Dad sick.. Had Dr. at home                             .

12----Send 96 cards and rec’d 91.

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